The GI was originally devised as a strategy to help diabetics gain better control over their blood sugar levels. It is a ranking of carbohydrate foods based on their potential to raise blood sugar levels. The higher the GI of a food, the faster the resultant rise in blood sugar after eating it. The faster the rise the faster the fall, and it is this rapid fluctuation that creates many problems for us. A primary strategy for anyone on a weight loss or weight management programme should be to identify high GI foods, and look to replace them with lower GI alternatives.

The ranking of GI foods:

  • 0 – 39 Very low
  • 40 – 54 Low
  • 55 – 69 Moderate
  • 70 – 100 High

Try to select low or moderate carbohydrate foods. Remember that some foods that contain a lot of fat may be low GI foods, as the fat content acts to slow absorption – don’t use this as an excuse to select them. The glycaemic index is just another tool in your armoury to ensure that you continue to make the right food choices.